Saturday, November 30, 2013

My Modern Theology

Hey there, Internet!

If you're reading this you have stumbled upon my blog. Welcome! This blog functions as a platform for me to get out frustrations and ideas with current theology and problems of our times. Who knows, maybe I will post a video every now and then.

I want to be completely straightforward and tell you (and remind myself) there may be little or no linear nature to this blog. For all I know I may dedicate a post to Downton Abbey (my current guilty pleasure). If possible, I will try and explain how certain things dawned on me, because they are usually in random ways.

I ask that if you have issues with what I am saying please post a comment. I will monitor and remove any that become personal attacks, but I am always open to discussion.

I guess this is simply a tiny welcome to my musings and feelings, and I hope you enjoy the ride.

P.S. I suck at editing, so I apologize in advance.